The Academy’s Advocacy and Values Curriculum

This curriculum is extremely important, as it provides a guarantee to help students transform the theoretical knowledge that they acquire into a practical reality in their lives. Thus, becoming role models and active members of their society. This process is the comprehensive way of teaching Islam in all of it’s aspects as a religion of life
The value curriculum is based on a set of values that are the core of Islam and the pillars of its morals. In addition to, a set of educational concepts that regulate the relationships of people with those around them, and a series of advocacy skills that help students fulfill their duty of calling to Allah.
As for the implementation, it will rely mostly on practical activities, including research, projects and individual and societal activities, but it will be presented with a theoretical background on the value or concept assigned.

The most important values and concepts that make up this curriculum:

  • Heart building and Tazkiah: Relationship with God and His Messenger, and acts and diseases of the heart.
  • Worship building: the importance of worship in Islam and the faithful meanings of acts of worship.
  • Behavioral and moral building: the importance of behavior in Islam and planting a set of ethics in student’s souls.
  • Intellectual building: training on freethought, thinking skills, and basic intellectual principles.
  • Skill building: Training on basic skills for a Muslim, such as communication, self-confidence, flexibility, creativity, etc.
  • Social building: Building relationships with everyone and understanding the rights and duties of those around them
  • Aesthetic building: teaching beauty recognition skills and employing them in the service of Islam.
  • Practical advocacy building: learning to be prideful of Islam and defending and advocating for it in society, as well as being an active member of the community.

Never Stop Learning

The Academic Curriculums

The academic curricula vary according to the levels, starting simple and basic, then increasing in depth as the study progresses. These curricula are prepared specifically to be academic and scientific but at the same time simplified, easy and modern. The fields of knowledge that will be studied in the four years are:

Basic Level

In this level, there are eight fields of knowledge:

  1. The Holy Quran:
    1. Reciting: 9 Juza’ (Al-Bakarah to Al-Anfal)
    2. Tajweed: The basic rules of reciting the Holy Quran
    3. Memorization: Memorizing the last four Juza’ (Al-Thariat to Al-Nas)
  2. Tafseer (Quran Interpretation): A study of the interpretation of the Juza’ that is memorized in a simplified and realistic way.
  3. The Hadith: Memorizing the Forty Al-Nawawi’s Hadiths with a simple and practical explanation of each Hadith.
  4. Aquidah (Islamic Doctrine): A study of the simplified theoretical rules of Aquidah with a focus on highlighting the distinction of Islamic doctrine, countering suspicions, and building the skills to discuss atheism and corrupt beliefs.
  5. History & Sirah: Studying the stories of the prophets in parallel with the Biography of the Prophet. In addition to studying the Islamic history. The study will be conducted in a simplified and practical way connecting history to our current times.
  6. Fiqh (Jurisprudence): Fiqh of acts of worship, family and transactions in a simplified manner focusing on modern practical issues.
  7. The Arabic Language: through two separate courses for Arabic native and non-native speakers
  8. Al-Tazkiyah: a study curriculum and practical programs to acquire basic Islamic values, purify the heart and soul, and implant Muslim morals

Specialization Level

In this level, student will have general and specialized field of Islamic knowledge depending on the specialized field they choose:

  1. Common fields: Three fields of knowledge are to be studied for everyone:
    1. The Holy Quran:
      1. Recitation: 13 Juza’ (Al-Tawbaah – Fatir)
      2. Tajweed: the detailed rulings of Tajweed and some rulings of the Othman calligraphy
      3. Memorization: Memorizing four Juza’ (Yaseen – Qaaf)
    2. Tafseer (Quran Interpretation): study of the interpretation of what is memorized in a simplified and practical way.
    3. Hadith: Memorizing a hadith from each chapter from Riyad Al-Saleheen book as well as explaining it in a simple and practical way

2. Specialized fields: Four additional fields are taught according to the specialization chose from the available 6 specializations:

  1. The Holy Quran and Sunnah knowledges:
    1. Quran fields of knowledge and Quran history
    2. Qira’at (Readings) and Quraa’ (readers)
    3. History of Al-Sunnah
    4. Mostalah Al-Hadith (Hadith Terminology)
  1. History and Serah (life of the prophet):
    1. Stories of the Prophets and Biography of the Prophet (additional detail)
    2. The Islamic History (additional details)
    3. Characters of the Islamic history
    4. The Islamic world in the present time
  1. Fikr (Advocacy) and Da’wa (contemplation):
    1. Characteristics of the Muslim family and society
    2. Individual and community Tarbiyah
    3. Fundamentals of the Islamic Fikr (thought)
    4. Fundamentals of the Da’wa (contemplation)
  1. Arabic language and Balaghah (rhetoric):
    1. Nahow (Arabic grammar)
    2. Balaghah (rhetoric)
    3. Sarf (word structure)
    4. Literary texts
  1. Fiqh (Jurisprudence) and legislation:
    1. Fiqh (all chapters that were not studied)
    2. History of Islamic legislation
    3. Usool Al-Fiqh (Principles of the Islamic Jurisprudence)
    4. Ijtehaad (Diligence) and recent Fiqh topics
  1. Aqidah (doctrine) and contemporary religions:
    1. Islamic Aqidah (doctrine)
    2. Other Aqidah groups
    3. Comparison of religions
    4. Religions in current times